Enterprise Digital Uplift and Systematic Technology Education


Sign in to Edusyte

Logging in to Your Edusyte E-Retail Account Through Your Site

To log in to your Edusyte E-Retail account through your own website, follow these simple steps:

  1. Visit Your Website: Open your web browser and go to your website’s URL, which you have configured to include the Edusyte E-Retail login functionality.

    [image of the website homepage with the login option]

  2. Access Your Account: On your website’s homepage, you’ll typically find an option to access your Edusyte E-Retail account. This might be labeled as “Login,”  Click on it.

    [image of the “Login” button]

  3. Enter Your Credentials: A login form will appear on your website. Enter the email address that is associated with your Edusyte E-Retail account into the designated field. Next, enter your password.

    [image of the login form with email and password fields]

  4. Click “Login”: After entering your email and password, click the “Login” button to access your Edusyte E-Retail account.

    [ image of the “Login” button]

Recovering Your Password

If you forget your password or need to reset it, follow these steps:

  1. Access Your Password Recovery: On your website’s login page, you will typically find a “Forget Your Password?” or similar link. Click on it.

    [image of the “Forget Your Password?” link]

  2. Provide Your Email: Enter the email address associated with your Edusyte E-Retail Admin account into the provided field.

    [image of the email input field]

  3. Retrieve Password: Click on the “Retrieve Password” or similar button. A link to reset your password will be sent to your registered email address.

    [image of the “Retrieve Password” button]

Resetting Your Password

To reset your password, follow these steps:

  1. Access Your Profile: Once logged in, locate your user profile in the upper-right corner of your account dashboard. Hover over “Admin” and click “Edit My Profile.”

    [image of the user profile menu]

  2. Generate New Password: In your profile settings, you’ll find an option to reset your password. Click the “Generate Password” button next to the “Password” field. Make sure to save or remember your new password before logging out.

    [image of the “Generate Password” button]