Enterprise Digital Uplift and Systematic Technology Education


Help and support

Help and support

Welcome to the Edusyte Training Help and Support page! We’re dedicated to ensuring your learning experience with us is seamless and successful. Here, you’ll find answers to commonly asked questions that will guide you through various aspects of our training platform. If you can’t find the information you’re looking for, feel free to reach out to our support team, and we’ll be more than happy to assist you.



How does the examination process work at Edusyte Training?

The examination process at Edusyte Training involves a series of steps, including registration, scheduling, taking the exam, and receiving results. You can find detailed information on the process in our examination guide.

How do I schedule my examinations?

To schedule an examination, log in to your account, go to the “Examinations” section, and choose your preferred exam date and time from the available options. Follow the on-screen instructions to confirm your slot.

What are the different examination formats, and are there guidelines to follow?

Edusyte Training offers various examination formats, such as multiple-choice, practical assessments, and written exams. Detailed guidelines for each format are provided in our examination policies.

What should I do if I encounter issues during an examination?

If you experience any issues during an examination, please contact Edusyte Training Support immediately. We will assist you in resolving the problem and ensuring a fair examination process.



How can I earn certifications through Edusyte Training?

To earn certifications, you need to complete specific courses and meet the certification criteria outlined for each program. Once you meet the requirements, you will be awarded the relevant certification.

How can I validate and verify my certificates earned through Edusyte Training?

You can validate and verify your certificates by clicking on the certificate badge within your account. This will display the certificate details, including its authenticity and issuer information.

What is the certification process at Edusyte Training?

The certification process involves completing the required courses, assessments, and any practical exercises specified for each certification program. Once you fulfill these requirements, you will receive your certification.

What are the criteria and requirements for each certification?

Detailed criteria and requirements for each certification program are available on the certification pages. You can review these criteria before enrolling in a certification program.



How do I navigate and access courses on Edusyte Training?

To access courses, log in to your account, go to the “Courses” section, and browse the available course catalog. Click on a course to view its details and enroll.

Is there a way to track my progress in Edusyte Training courses?

Yes, we provide tools for tracking your course progress, including completion status and quiz scores. You can monitor your progress through your user dashboard.

What should I do if I encounter challenges while learning or taking courses?

If you face any challenges during your learning journey, please refer to our troubleshooting resources or contact Edusyte Training Support for assistance. We are here to help you overcome any obstacles.

Are there resources available to help me improve my learning experience?

Yes, we offer a variety of resources, including study guides, video tutorials, and additional reading materials to enhance your learning experience. These resources can be found within each course.


Contact Us

 If you have any further questions or need assistance that isn’t covered in our FAQs, please feel free to contact our support team at support@edusyte.com. We’re here to help you every step of the way on your learning journey!