Enterprise Digital Uplift and Systematic Technology Education

Adding a new page

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Create a new page

To create a new page,

  1. Click Pages and click Add New.
  2. Enter the name of the page into the Title

Adding Text to your page or posts

  1. Click the position where you want to the text into the text editor.

Adding Pictures to your page

To add pictures to your page,

  1. Position the cursor where you want to enter the image
  2. Click Add Media and do one of these
  3. Click Media library to select the image you want and click insert into page.
  4. Click Upload Files to select upload files, browse the pictures from your device to include into the media library. . Afterwards choose the video to insert into your pages.


Adding Videos to your page

To add videos to your page,

  1. Position the cursor where you want to enter the video
  2. Click Add Media and do one of these
  3. Click Media library to select the video you want and click insert into page.
  4. Click Upload Files to select upload files, browse the video from your device to include into the media library. Afterwards choose the video to insert into your pages.


Embedding links into Pages and posts

To embed links into the page or post,

  1. copy link from source.
  2. switch from visual to text in the field.
  3. past the link into the text field.

Define page attributes.


  1. If your page is part of under another page, click the dropdown box and choose that page.


  1. if you want to change the template of your page, select the page from the dropdown under Template and select the page.


  1. if the page is part of a hierarchy, enter the position of the page into the order box.

 Adding a featured image

if you want to assign a featured image to your image, click Set featured image.

Saving a page or post

To save do one of the following:

  1. If you want to see how the page will appear when published click Preview
  2. If you want to save without publishing the website, click Save as Draft
  3. If you want to publish the page, click Publish.