Enterprise Digital Uplift and Systematic Technology Education

Setup Money Manager for finance management

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Setup Online Store with WooCommerce
This section describes how to setup WooCommerce for online store management in Edusyte Educate

Activate and configure WooCommerce

To setup WooCommerce, first activate the WooCommerce plugin.
To activate WooCommerce
1.Log in to the WordPress Admin dashboard
2.Click plugins in on the left side menu
3.Search for WooCommerce in the Search plugins box.
4.Click the install Now button under the WooCommerce Result
5.Click Activate to activate WooCommerce

You will be directed to the setup wizard once the plugin has been activated. Click Not right now since we want a full setup. You will be taken back to the WordPress Dashboard.

1.On the left side menu, hover or click WooCommerce.
2.Click the Settings submenu under the WooCommerce to arrive at the following settings screen.
3.Enter your address, city. Choose your country or select Ship to all countries. Afterwards, enter your zip code.
4.Click Save Changes to save your general settings.

Configure products settings
1.Click the Products tab next to the General tab.
2.If you want to use a different page as your default store page, select the page. You can create a new page to use as the default page.
3.If you want to allow reviews and ratings on your shop page, you can leave the Enable Reviews and Product Ratings as they are.
4.Click Save Changes to save your product settings.

Configure shipping settings
To configure your preferred shipping settings:
1.Click the Shipping tab next to the Products tab.
2. Click the Add shipping zone button to add shipping zones for the store. You will
get a screen similar to the following
3. Enter the name of your preferred shipping zone in the Zone name box.
4.Enter the locations under the shipping zone in the Zone region box.
5.Click the Add shipping method to display all the available shipping methods
6.Select your preferred shipping method to include for the shipping zone.
7.Add the Tax Status and Cost for that shipping zone.
8.Click Save Changes to save your shipping settings.

Configure payment settings
To configure your preferred shipping settings:
1.Click the payment tab next to the Shipping settings.
2.select the appropriate payment methods.
3.Click Save Changes to save your payment settings.

Accounts and Privacy Settings
To configure accounts and privacy settings:
1.Click the Accounts and Privacy tab next to the payment settings tab
2.If you want to allow customers to place orders without registration, click Allow Customers to Place Orders Without Registration, otherwise enable Allow customers to log into an
existing account during checkout.

3.Click Save Changes to save accounts and privacy settings.

Advanced Settings
C1. To configure the advanced settings
1.Click the Advanced Settings next to Emails Tab
2.Under page setup, select the various pages for Cart Page, Checkout Page, My Account
Page, and Terms and Conditions. You can create new pages and assign them accordingly.