Enterprise Digital Uplift and Systematic Technology Education


[bellows config_id="main" menu="23"]


The Analytics menu expands to display the following menu items.

Overview: Follow this link to have a general picture of all reports about your business.
Products: Follow this link to view product related reports about the business.
Revenue: Follow this link to visit the revenue reports page where you can view the revenue related information about your business.
Orders: Click this link to visit the order reports page, where you can view a report on your orders.
Variations: Click this link to visit the variation reports page, where you can view various product variations. Categories: Click this link to visit the categories report page, where you can view a report on different product categories.
Coupons: Click this link to visit the coupons report page to analyze the performance of coupons in the store.
Taxes: Click this link to visit the taxes report page, where you can view reports on taxes.
Downloads: Click this link to visit the Downloads report page where you can view the list of downloads so far.
Stock: Click this link to visit the stock report page where you can be informed about the stock in your online store.
Settings: Click this link to visit the Analytics Settings page where you can setup the Analytics of your store.