Enterprise Digital Uplift and Systematic Technology Education

Create a new product

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Creating a new product in WooCommerce
When adding products in WooCommerce, the basic information you need the product name, the product description, price. But apart from this information, there are other information required for creating a product.

Creating a new product
1.On the left sidebar, go to Products > Add New.
2.In the Product name box, enter the name of the product.
3.In the Description box, enter the product description.
4.In the Product Data section, choose whether the product is simple, grouped, variable or external/affiliated product.
5.Still under Product Data, click downloadable for virtual products or downloadable for downloadable products.
6.In the Short Description box, enter a short description for the product.
7.Enter the regular price and the sale price into the Regular Price and the Sale Price box in General.
8.Select or create new categories in the product category section.
9.Select or create new tags in the Product Tags section.
10.Select the main image for the product in the Product image section.
11.Select other images to be included to the main image in the Image gallery section.
12.Click Save or Update if you are editing the product. Otherwise you can save the product as a Draft

Product Inventory Property
1.To manage your stock, go to inventory under the products
2.If you want to enter an SKU for the product, enter the SKU into the SKU box
3.If you want to manage your stock, click the box beside the manage stock?
4.Enter the quantity of the product available into the Stock quantity box.

Product Shipping Property
1.To manage the shipping property of the product, go to shipping under product.
2.Define the weight of the product in the Weight (lbs.) section
3.Define the dimension of the product in the Dimension section

Linking other products
1.To link other products to a product, go the linked product section of the product property.
2.If you want other products to appear under the description of the product, select them into the Up-Sells box.
3.If you want to display other products in the checkout section, enter them into the Cross-Sells box.

Defining product attributes
1.To add an attribute such as color or size, go to the attributes section of the product.
2.Enter the attribute name into the Name box and the value into the Value Box.

Defining advanced Settings
1.In the Advanced section, enter a note to send to the customers in the Purchase note.
2.If you want to allow reviews on the product, click the box beside enable reviews.