Enterprise Digital Uplift and Systematic Technology Education

Create a course in LearnPress

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Create a new course in LearnPress
This topic explains how to create a new course in LearnPress

The main information for creating a course is: course title, description. But other relevant information is needed to describe a course.

Create a new course
1. In the left sidebar, go to LearnPress > Courses.
2. On the action center, select Add New.
3. In the Course Title box, enter the title of the course
4. In the Course Description box, describe the course.
5. In the Duration box in General, under Course Settings, enter the course duration.
6. In the Maximum Students box in General, enter the number of students to partake in the course
7. In the Students Enrolled in GeneralDisplay the number of students who have enrolled in this course
8. If you want to allow learners to retake the course, in General, enter how many times learners can retake a course or 0 to disable retaking the course.
9. If you want the course to be added to the featured list, in General, click the checkbox beside featured.
10. If you block course contents from learners when they have completed the course, in General, click the checkbox beside Block lessons.
11. If you want to select how the course is evaluated, choose the option beside Course Results in Assessment.
12. If you want to define the percentage passing grade for the course, enter the number in the
Passing Condition Value under Assessment.
13. In the Pricing SectionEnter the price of the course In the Price box and the selling price in the Sale Price box.
14. If you want learners to take part in the course without enrolling, select the checkbox beside No Requirement Enrolling.
15. If you want to view the reviews for the course, click Review log under Course Settings
16. If you want to define the author of the course, select the course, in the Course Author section, enter the course author.
17. If you want to add excerpts to the course. Enter the excerpt into the excerpt box.
18. Discussions – Allow discussions on the course
19. Course Tags – Add tags and key words for locating the course easily
20. Featured Image – Upload the featured Image for the course
21. If you want allow comments on the lesson, click the checkbox beside Allow Comments.
22. If you want to allow trackbacks and pingbacks on the course page, click the checkbox beside Allow trackbacks and pingbacks on this page.
23. Click Save.